KEMAI's Research Goals

The KEMAI team aims at combining the benefits of knowledge- and learning-based systems, to not only allow for state-of-the-art accuracy in medical diagnosis, but to also clearly communicate the obtained predictions to physicians, considering ethical implications within the medical decision process.

KEMAI's PhD Program

KEMAI’s main purpose is to interdisciplenarily train PhD students from computer science, medicine, and ethics in the area of explainable medical AI. Pursuing a PhD in Germany offers numerous benefits, including full funding, access to world-class research facilities, no tuition fees, and the opportunity to collaborate with leading experts.

KEMAI's Environment

KEMAI is located at Ulm University, a top-ranked university in southern Germany. Ulm is a liveable city combining historical charm and modern amenities, ensuring a high quality of life. Additionally, its proximity to stunning outdoor destinations like the Alps allows for enriching recreational activities during your academic journey.

KEMAI Knowledge Infusion and Extraction for Explainable Medical AI

A Research Training Group (RTG), funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), is a structured doctoral program designed to foster academic excellence and interdisciplinary collaboration among PhD students. RTGs provide an environment where early-stage researchers can conduct high-level research within a coordinated framework that includes both individual projects and collective training components. These groups typically involve multiple professors and researchers from various disciplines, facilitating comprehensive mentorship and support. The goal is to prepare doctoral candidates for successful careers in academia, industry, or other sectors by enhancing their scientific, methodological, and soft skills through seminars, workshops, and collaborative research activities.

DFG Logo

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