Associated PhD

Get involved as associated PhD student

Fostering interdisciplinary exchange is at the very heart of the KEMAI program, we are eager to create synergies. If you already have a PhD position in a subject area of computer science, philosophy or medicine that fits in well with the topics of the RTG, we invite you to join the KEMAI as an associated PhD student or PostDoc. An association brings various advantages.

Benefits of an association

Associated doctoral researchers are funded from other sources, but will be treated as equal participants in the RTG: All events of the KEMAI qualification program, such as seminars and workshops, are open to you, as well as the annual summer school; participation in the biannual meetings is expected, associated doctoral researchers are however exempt from intermediate evaluations if they are not enrolled in the IGradU via their own institute.

How to become an associated PhD student

Fill in the application form for associated doctoral researchers, stating the

  • institute / lab at Ulm University where you have your contract
  • preliminary title of your thesis
  • starting date and funding source of your PhD
  • and some lines of support by your first supervisor

Please send it by e-mail to, together with your CV.

Selection Process

In a first step, our spokespersons will review your application and will then involve one of our PIs in order to further assess your profile and how your research interest relates to the research areas of the RTG.